Friday, April 13, 2018

April 13: Newsletter

April 17: Marco's Pizza Night (Mention our classroom if you order!)
April 27: Class Field Trip to Kid's Food Basket and Hudsonville Lanes
                 All Kid's Food Basket Donations Are Due!!!
May 9: Jet's Pizza Night (Mention our classroom if you order!)
May 11: Early Release-Dismissal at 12:15 (Wear Bauer T-shirt)
May 18: Spirit Day-Wear your favorite sport attire
May 28: Memorial Day/No School

In honor of Autism Awareness Month-please have your child wear something blue each Friday for the month of April.

All students have been our leader of the week once this year.  As we wrap up the school year, students will have a chance to be our leader of the week again!  Each week students will nominate a classmate that has shown exceptional leaderships skills.  Many students were nominated this week for following our five classroom rules, being a problem solver, including others, having grit, being kind, and being polite.  After all the votes were submitted, we found out that we had a tie.  Mallory and Nate both received four nominations.  They will share the role for leader of the week next week. Congratulations!

March was the last month to participate in the Book-It Program.  If you still have your March calendar, please send it in next week.  Thanks!

You will notice a new reading log in your child's SRC book bag.  Instead of a weekly reading requirement, I have set a new reading challenge to last the remainder of the year.   It is my hope that this new challenge will motivate students to continue to read five nights a week or more!  Students are NOT required to complete the challenge in a week.  They may complete the challenge anytime from now until the end of the year.  The challenge requires students to read 8 different books ranging from a chapter book, a picture book, an informational book, a poem, and much more!  Students will also be asked to share their favorite book with the class.  Students will give their favorite book an "Eagle Book Award" that we will make in class.  Small prizes will be given to students that complete the challenge.  

Also, you will notice that your child's SRC report is a bit shorter again.  From now on, I will print the report to show all of the quizzes your child has taken since we have returned from Spring Break.  This will help save on paper and help you see their most recent scores a bit easier.  

Next week we will begin writing personal narratives for the last time this year.  We will work to write with strong feelings, dialogue, clear transitions, and many details for the reader to picture each part of the small moment.

We began a new unit of study.  We are learning to tell time.  You can help your child with this concept with real world examples.  For example, you can point to the clock during supper and say, "We are eating dinner at 5:30.  Is that 5:30 AM or PM?"  In this unit, your child will learn to tell time to the hour, half hour, and five minutes.  We will practice making the time on analog clocks and writing the time digitally. 


In this room we don't do EASY!  We make easy happen through HARD WORK and learning!!!

Today you will find a couple of papers explaining our upcoming field trip.  We are very excited about our field trip this year as it directly connects to our Social Studies content and our study of community.  We will visit a local business (Hudsonville Lanes) and participate in a community service project at Kid's Food Basket.  I am looking for 5 chaperones on this day.  Please let me know by filling out the field trip note if you are interested.  Our field trip is scheduled for Friday, April 27 from 9:00-2:00.  
Also, in correlation to our visit to Kid's Food Basket, we will begin collecting donations to help fill the sack suppers that we will help pack.  We will be collecting pretzels, cheese crackers, and toasted oat cereal for the next two weeks.  Our hope is to have a LARGE donation to offer when we go to Kid's Food Basket.  Thanks in advance for your help and support!!!

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