Friday, June 5, 2015

2nd Grade

We had a countdown to third grade this week!  Each day we popped a balloon that revealed a fun activity to do together.  

Day one...bubblegum day!  
On Monday we had a bubble blowing contest.  Olivia won the contest!

Day 2: Dance Party Day....we did the chicken dance and the freeze dance!

Day 3: Mumball of our favorite games!

Day 4: Popsicle Day and Day 5: Pick Your Own Seat Day 
(completely forgot to get a picture) :(

Thank you for the most wonderful year!  You and your children have been an enormous blessing in my life and a source of such joy.  I always have a mix of emotions at the end of the year--- happy for the growth that I've seen, proud of the new skills the students have learned, and sad that I have to say, "good-bye" to my dear students. I love them all dearly--- thank you so much for sharing your precious little ones with me this year!  I hope that they continue to hold their energy and enthusiasm for learning.  I have treasured these last few days. 

May you all have a great summer enjoying your family!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Bauer Family Picnic

Just a quick reminder that TOMORROW is the Bauer Family Picnic!  It will begin at 11:30.  If you are planning on picking up lunch at a local fast food place, please consider that there may be long lines.  It is also important to coordinate a meeting place with your child(ren) and to bring a blanket or chairs to sit on.  We are looking forward to a fun picnic at Bauer!  Hope to see you there!

Field Day Fun!

We couldn't have asked for better weather yesterday for field day!  Check out our fun!!!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Field Day Volunteers Needed!

Field day is TOMORROW from 1:00-2:30.  We still need quite a few volunteers!!!  We are hoping to have at least two parent volunteers from our classroom willing to help run an event on this day.  We would need your help from 12:30-2:45.  This will allow time to set up, run an event, and clean up.  Please let me know if you are interested!  We would GREATLY appreciate it.

Ice Cream Party!!!

Our ice cream party was so much fun!  
Thank you for donating all of the delicious toppings and ice cream.  
The students enjoyed every bite!

And then it rained...actually it was a DOWNPOUR!  We got a bit wet, but still were full of smiles!